Importance we place on Generative HSSE

Our President and CEO Zahid Osman moderated at last week’s MISC HSSE Partner Summit one of the significant panel sessions which underscores the critical importance HSSE plays in AET and across the MISC Group. The session, titled “Influencing HSSE Culture and Behavior towards a Generative Approach,” included esteemed panelists from Chevron, Dyna-Mac, and the Marine Department Malaysia.

The panel emphasised that leaders need to demonstrate generative HSSE behaviour to embed such culture across the organisation. They shared their experiences and insights on sustaining a robust safety culture across varied operations. Key strategies highlighted included leadership engagement, ensuring, psychological safety, maintaining open and effective communication, and focus on learning from incidents rather than penalising mistakes. Additionally, the discussion emphasised the importance of recognition as a tool to cultivate a positive attitude towards personal safety commitments.

This panel session and the summit overall, demonstrate AET and the MISC Group’s dedication to HSSE and the commitment to advancing towards a Generative HSSE culture.