AET Highlights July 2022

CEO’s Message

Late in July, we celebrated another milestone with the naming and delivery of our eighth vessel this year. Six are eco-efficient DPSTs on long-term charter to customers in Brazil and two are among the world’s first dual-fuel VLCCs. These assets reinforce our financial and ESG focus of continual improvements of our greenhouse gas emissions and our stakeholders’ carbon footprint while responsibly transporting the much-needed energy commodities across the world.

We appreciate the invaluable role our customers as well as our likeminded partners play in working together on more efficient maritime solutions – often well ahead of new regulations – to contribute to a resilient and sustainable maritime industry to build a better world.

For AET, the social focus is also very important and includes investing in talent development and capability building programmes with internships being one way of attracting young talent to our industry. Therefore, I am very pleased that this year we have students joining us for their internships in all our key locations from Singapore, London to Houston and Rio de Janeiro.

Best regards,
Capt. Rajalingam Subramaniam
AET President & CEO and MISC Group COO


Honouring all seafarers on Day of the Seafarer 2022

On the annual Day of the Seafarer, we celebrated our seafaring colleagues all around the world – and the million other seafarers who help power the global economy. Thank you to all our mariners for your unwavering commitment to AET and to all seafarers worldwide for the invaluable contributions and sacrifices you’ve made keeping global trade and the world economy moving.

As we strive for greater diversity and inclusivity (D&I) in our industry, at sea and on shore we all need to continue to work collaboratively and leverage on the opportunities D&I provides. At AET, we continue to sail ‘greener’ across the blue to stay progressive and efficient as an organisation and contribute to an inclusive and sustainable maritime industry.

Together, we keep moving energy to build a better world.

AET committed to decarbonising shipping

Our Global Director, CHSSE and Sustainability, Capt. Sachi Atmalingam recently participated in the 2nd Annual Capital Link Decarbonisation in Shipping Digital Conference where he discussed with C-suite panel members on “The Complexities Around CII and SEEMP III” – port correction impacts, voyage factors and what must happen ahead of the deadline.

Capt. Sachi shared on AET’s commitment to decarbonise shipping through collaboration with various stakeholders including our customers. Many new regulations facilitating carbon reduction require an integrated approach from charterers, shippers and port operators focusing on operational excellence. Incentives including cheaper financing for early adopter shipowners would benefit and accelerate the transition. However, to improve emission, it requires a change in shipping culture to view climate change as very high risk. Climate change is a key agenda for AET and our Board. We all have a responsibility to act now and not later.

In the Tanker Shipping and Trade’s June/July 2022 publication, Capt. Amit Pal, our Global Director, DPST said: “AET has always kept its eye on the horizon, working to pre-empt the needs of its customers by developing maritime logistics solutions that meet both their immediate and longer-term requirements. We have developed our fleet of DPSTs in partnership with customers.”

For our DPST segment, we have invested heavily not just in eco-efficient assets but also our people onboard and ashore, providing training opportunities to upskill our experienced operators and support staff onshore. With its newest DPST, our global DPST fleet has grown to 17 following deliveries of six newbuilds this year alone with 13 operating offshore Brazil and another four operating in the North Sea including two dual-fuel DPSTs.

Continuing to nurture the young talents across the maritime industry

Investing in the younger generation has always been central to AET as we continue to nurture the young talents across the maritime industry. Guilherme Lopes, intern for the Mid-Size Tankers Crude Shipping department at our Rio de Janeiro office spent a day of his internship experiencing a part of a seafarer’s routine on one of our DPSTs that was docked at the pier of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Guilherme sums up his experience onboard Eagle Pilar as breathtaking views and unforgettable moments,
“I saw with my own eyes AET’s standard of excellence – from the vessel’s state-of-the-art technology that also contributes to the company’s sustainability goals to the zeal of every crew member. This experience is priceless”.

“A special shoutout to Captain Russel Coelho, Chief Officer Mark Angelo Pallon, MNI, Chief Engineer Krzysztof Miroslaw, and Luciana Cardoso Sena for sharing with young talents like me AET’s operations and their deep knowledge about the maritime industry, adding to my experiential learning”, Guilherme said.

We look forward to training and nurturing yet more future leaders for the industry in the years to come!

AET unveils another DPST, Eagle Crato, for long-term charter to Petrobras

On 28 July, AET named its newest vessel, the final of three Suezmax Dynamic Positioning (DP2) Shuttle Tankers purpose-built for long-term charter to Petrobras. The eco-efficient DP2 shuttle tanker Eagle Crato was unveiled at a naming ceremony held at the Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) Shipyard in Geoje, South Korea and was delivered to AET the following day and subsequently to Petrobras to commence her operations in the Brazilian Basin, joining her sisters, Eagle Colatina and Eagle Cambe, plus six other DPSTs which AET already operates for Petrobras.

Capt. Rajalingam Subramaniam, AET President & CEO and MISC Group COO, said at the ceremony:

“Today’s naming marks another significant milestone in our growing partnership with Petrobras. This memorable event reinforces AET’s commitment to eco-efficient and high-quality operations in Brazil. Thank you to Petrobras, Samsung Heavy Industries, ABS and colleagues from Eaglestar, and AET team members for ensuring the safe and timely construction as well as delivery of our latest vessel.

Eagle Crato is another highly specialised DP2 shuttle tanker that signifies a further step forward in our contribution to building a more sustainable maritime ecosystem. Through our close collaboration with our partners, we will continually invest in innovation to lower the industry’s carbon footprint. All part of AET’s commitment to meeting the IMO’s 2030 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensity reduction ambition and our commitment across the MISC Group to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.”

Click here to read the full release.